Sunday, March 18, 2007


Ok, so Beckham is not the greatest sleeper. I have known this for quite some time now, but have chosen to ignore it because I have been on maternity leave. Well, maternity leave is coming to a halt in 2 weeks (I am SO sad!!!), and I have got to get this precious child of mine in some sort of sleep routine, otherwise, I will be walking zombie at work. And that's not a good thing when you deal with sharp metal instruments in people's mouths.

So the method that is suppose to work is the Ferbur method. Dr. Ferbur method is this in a nutshell:

1. You place the baby in his crib when he's tired, but still awake.
2. You kiss him, tell him you love him and goodnight, then leave the room.
3. He will cry, but wait 5 minutes before going back in the room. Then go in, tell him you love him, and say goodnight. 60 seconds or less.
4. The baby will cry even more!! This time you wait 10 minutes and then repeat the same routine.
5. Continue this in increasing 5 minute increments until the baby has fallen asleep. And each time the baby cries louder, and louder and louder!!
6. This is suppose to go on every night for up to 4 nights. Supposedly by the 4th night, he's got the routine down, and goes to sleep all on his own.

Sounds easy right? UH UH!!! There is just something in this new mom that so desperately wants to go pick up her son, love on him, and let him fall asleep in her arms. I mean, that's what a mom does right? We nurture, we love, we calm, we kiss boo boos, etc... I know that in the long run, I am doing us both a favor. He will learn how to fall asleep on his own and self-soothe, and I will ultimately get good sleep for the first time in 3 months! I know this in my head, but it sure does make my heart hurt to hear those screams. And I feel like I am lying to him every time I go in there, tease him with a little love, then leave abruptly just to hear him scream and cry louder. Dr. Ferbur has obviously never been a mom!

So, I am trying this method, but I am hating EVERY minute of it! We'll see how long it lasts...


Liz*** said...

Oh, you poor thing! That method didn't work for us but I know a lot of people it did work for. You just have to see how Beckham responds b/c every baby is different. I hope it works for you and that you get some sleep soon. :) I know how hard it is to leave him there when he is screaming. I feel your pain girl!

Jesse Faris said...

Hang in there! We will be praying for a good night's rest for you and the little guy!