Monday, March 19, 2007


The acclaimed Ferber sleep method lasted a total of...TA DA...45 minutes! Yes I caved! I went in and picked him up after 45 minutes because I just couldn't take it anymore. So what's next? I have NO idea. Last night he had one of his worst nights yet. I think I may have traumatized him by Ferberizing him! He didn't want to be anywhere but in my arms. As soon as I picked him up, he was fine. I'm afraid and am creating a MONSTER!! A cute monster, but none the less, a monster!

So for all of you moms in Blogland, PLEASE tell me what you did that worked! I need some advice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We used a book called 'The no cry sleep solution'by Elizabeth Pantley. It worked really well!