The kids are adjusting relatively well. Beckham's routine hasn't changed much. He is still with my mother in law 2 days a week, but we have a new babysitter. My dear friend, Britney is keeping both kids on Tues. and Kerrington on Wed. Then both go to my mother in law's in Thurs. Kerrington is having a few issues with taking a bottle. She seems to do ok one day and not so great the next. The Dr. said the only way to truly fix that is to quit nursing, and I am not quite ready to do that yet. So, hopefully with time and a little patience, she will learn to take a bottle better...SOON!!
Speaking of Kerrington..
She's getting SO fun these days! She "talks" all the time, she's grasping toys, she's laughing.....SO FUN!!! And she gets prettier everyday!! She had her 4 month ck up last week. 4 MONTHS!!! I can't believe it!!! Here are the stats:
Weight: 13.9 lbs (50-75%)
Height: 24 inches (50-75%)
Head: 16 inches (90th % !!)
She's different from Beckham at this age. She sleeps better than he did. She is much more stingy with her laughs that he was. She's cuddly, but not as cuddly. But over all, she's been an easy baby (so far) just like Beckham. We are in LOVE!!
Beckham is still the SWEETEST boy in the world!! 2 1/2, though it is challenging, is SO much fun! He's a great talker, he loves music, he loves books, he loves playing outside (even when it's 100 degrees!), and he loves his mommy and daddy! What a little blessing he is! We have had some weight-gaining issues with him, but we weighed him at Kerrington's appt and he weighs 27 pounds!!! Just a little history...
4 months: 14.6 lbs
6 months: 18.4 lbs
12 months 20.1lbs
2 yrs: 22lbs. (That's 2 lbs in a whole year!)
2 1/2 yrs: 27 lbs (That's 5 lbs in 6 months!)
Josh is busy, busy, busy with work. He travels often, but fortunately it's usually just overnight trips. I am still adjusting to that as well, although each trip gets a little easier. But he hasn't had to leave sonce I have been back at work. That may be a little tougher.
I am still learning how to juggle all the new things in life. I am looking at life in a new way. While I was in maternity leave, I had a conversation that blessed me so much. A friend and I were talking at dinner about husbands and wives and being a mom, etc... And I confess, I was venting to her about some frustrations I was having about the responsibilities of being a wife and mom, and how they seem unequal and unfair between husbands and wives. I said something like, "He (meaning Josh) will never know what it is like to get up 3 times a night to feed a baby, he'll never know what it's like to be home all the time 24/7 with children and how "crazy" that can be, and blah, blah blah...." She looked right at me said "You're right, he won't. And he's not suppose to." I had never thought of it like that. God has given husbands and wives different roles in marriage and in parenthood. And if we accept those roles, and view them as a blessing, and trust that HIS way is the perfect way, then it makes it easier to live our role out. At least it has been for me. Now, I don't want to take anything away from Josh and make it seem like he's not a wonderful husband and COMPLETELY involved father. Our children could not be more blessed! But it is different. The other thing my friend said was to remember that my home and my family are my "career" and the job I go to 3 days a week is just a place to earn money to help my family. That has helped my attitude toward my home in general.
So there ya have to have rambled so long! Here are some pics....
We have learned she can sleep anywhere